Corporate Training

Impacted more than 5000 lives in 14 years through corporate training workshops. These are group trainings like, Growing an Entrepreneurial Mindset, Power of Communication, Campus to Corporate Programs, Leadership Development Programs, Becoming Your Own Super Version, Negotiating for Results and Persuasion Skills, Performance Management – Managing Employee Performance, The idea of Becoming Superwomen, to name a few.

I began my journey into Training and coaching industry 5 years back with corporates wherein I have been coaching people at executive, managerial and top layers of management. I offer a full range of soft skills and life skills training programs and workshops in corporate communication, emotional intelligence, mindset training, leadership and management skills. I work with corporates as a strategic partner and provide services to support corporate coaching and training drives with Custom Instructional Design, Training Need Analysis, Personalized group facilitation and planning etc.

Esteem Clients

Ernst & Young
TNCN Clothing (W, Aurelia)
Reskills, Malaysia
Edify Labs
Amity University
VIT College
RSD VNR College
Coforge Technologies Ltd.
Axis Bank

DBS Bank
Vedant Fashion Limited (Manyavar)
Winning Stree
Connected Women to Women
The Entrepreneur Academy
Jain Institute
AOL Technologies
Rubicon Ltd.
Varuna Logistics Ltd.
CNHI Industrial
RDIAS College

Corporate Trainings/Workshops

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Corporate training Swati Jain NLP Practitioner Coach
Workshop Swati Jain NLP corporate Coaching
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‘Professional Excellence Program’ with GAIL

With ever changing trends in the industry, it is of utmost importance to understand the importance of having ownership qualities for your professional commitments to increase the overall productivity of an employee and this was the highlight this 12 hours intensive learning session along with a holistic understanding of business communication and creative thinking skills.

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‘Business Communication and Leadership’ with TNCN

With rapid transforming retail industry, it is very important to understand how employees can enhance their productivity by enhancing their skills of business communication and handling critical conversations within and outside corporates. This helps in generating customer centricity and empathy towards fellow colleagues while forming a congenial environment at the workplace.

‘Behavioral Skills Development Program’ for Coforge Technologies -Parent company of NIIT Computers

This program was 21 hours of rigorous coaching project for entry level managers taking them through various modules to foster various behavioral skills including communication skills, presentation and interpersonal skills, Analytical skills, Business, work and formal documentation etiquettes, Time Management, Customer centricity, Leadership skills, Mindset training and Self-development etc.

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‘Mindset Coaching’ with Winning Stree

This program is three hour of comprehensive coaching and has been designed after an intensive TNA of all women associates. The modules include Growth Mindset, State modifications, Attitude switch and so on.

‘Teenpreneurship Innovator Program’ with Edify Labs

Considering the great potential of teenagers today, this program has been designed to introduce entrepreneurship to teenagers. The modules included communication and interpersonal skills, leadership skills, personal and corporate branding etc. and by the end of the program the participants made a final pitch of their product and services to industry masters which gave a great exposure to the teenage participants.

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NLP Practitioner Coach Swati Jain About

‘GDS Bootcamp’ with Ernst and Young

The aim behind this program was to harness the young and fresh minds to give them growth perspective in this new transition phase. The modules included brand creation, corporate communication skills, corporate etiquettes, mindset coaching, goal setting, team building self-development etc. This comprehensive 60-hour coaching schedule gives the participant a great exposure to corporate world and work ethics.

‘Campus to Corporate’ – skills development programs with Universities, VIT, RSD VNR and Amity

The aim of this program is to upskill the final year students and provide them better understanding of corporate channels. The idea is to channelize the energy of young talent to become leaders of tomorrow. The modules included topics like Goal Setting, Communication and interpersonal skills, Leadership skills, Team Building, Creative Thinking skills, Social Skills, Work ethics and etiquette.

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‘Become Your Own Super Version’ with the Entrepreneur Academy

We have been living in an ever changing world and We can grow only if we are continuously transforming. This shift could be a shift of work, passion, or lifestyle but whatever it is, we must at first think about what our dream life should be to make it happen in actual terms. This program is a 3-day workshop and it is an entire journey wherein participants found out their passion and core value to bring out what is still unfulfilled for them to make their lives more satisfying and empowering. This is one of the best transformation and shift courses which left the participants with many good and not so good moments of truth and hence make them think deep down about the real meaning of their existence.

‘Emotional Intelligence and Leadership’ with Crompton Greaves

With ever changing trends in the industry, Emotional Intelligence is critical for new and seasoned managers within the organization and taking all this into account, this program has been designed as a 8-hour intensive training process which included modules like EI Model, SBI & RASA Model, Empathy, SCARF Model, NLP Techniques and EI.

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‘Customer Centricity, Business Communication, Diversity and Inclusion’ with Volkswagen

‘Power of communication with NLP’ with Hyundai

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Coporate training workshop Swati jain nlp coach

‘Customer Handling Excellence’ with Honda

‘Managing leader’s stress’ with Varuna Logistics Ltd

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‘Productivity Management’ with CNHI Industrial

‘Presenting like a Pro’ with RDIAS College

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Other corporate training themes

Workshops on entrepreneurship, leadership, work life balance, emotional intelligence, stress management on various platforms and communities including Winning Stree, connected women for women, We Women.


Online Workshops

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workshops swati jain nlp practitioner coach
workshops swati jain nlp practitioner coach
workshops swati jain nlp practitioner coach
workshops swati jain nlp practitioner coach
workshops swati jain nlp practitioner coach
workshops swati jain nlp practitioner coach

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