
NLP Practitioner

Unleash your true potential to live with greatness and achieve abundance in every sphere of your life by overcoming your fears, limiting beliefs,  past failures, memory clutter, habits that are not serving you anymore, unwanted feelings and emotions, assimilating information more easily, tackling social challenges and getting through corporate transitions more fluidly and easily.

Be unstoppable, unshakeable and unleashed to live with greatness.

Life Coach

Swift and easy ways to transform and create lasting change with useful set of NLP patterns of unlocking your pictures, feeling and sounds that are locked up in a single, confusing representation. I help you repattern your neurology, increase flexibility by noticing and shifting your non-resourceful patterns, adding different sensory systems by shifting breathing rates and producing a state of, “Go for it!” in a more resourceful state of action.

Corporate Trainer

Impacted more than 5000 lives in 14 years through corporate training workshops. These are group trainings like, Growing an Entrepreneurial Mindset, Power of Communication, Campus to Corporate Programs, SHE 2.0, Behavior Skills Development Program, Become Your Own Super Version, NLP Communication Model, Emotional Intelligence, Becoming Your Own Super Version, Negotiating for Results and Persuasion Skills, Performance Management, The idea of Becoming Superwomen to name a few.

NLP Coach

An internationally certified NLP Practitioner & Coach, help create transformation in the fields of leadership success and unleashing the inner potential, emotional empowerment for women professionals, finding purpose in life and enhancing corporate level life skills internationally. I empower you to achieve success in their professional and personal life while creating a higher self-worth by realizing great state and unlocking the true potential.

NLP Coaching Programs

The Unstoppable You

Personal development and Career success for Working Women. 


8 weeks program


10 sessions - 8 sessions of coaching with introduction and completion sessions and activities.


Life time support

The Unshakeable You

Wealth and Relationships for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners.


26 weeks program


10 sessions of coaching with introduction and completion sessions and 14 sessions of business activities.


Life time support

The Unleashed You

Life Success program for Corporate Top Level Management.


12 months immersion program


12 sessions of coaching with introduction and completion sessions and 38 weeks immersion sessions.


Life time support

Corporate Training

workshops swati jain nlp practitioner coach

Liberating Session

It is a sample session to discuss your present state and your goals. I understand your existing patterns, fears, frustrations, pain points. I guide you or point to in the direction of greatness and abundance.

It is absolutely free one to one session for 40 miniutes, where we understand each other and decide if we both are a good fit to move forward.

There is no future commitment required from your side. If you find value in the sample session then we will work together. You are free to take a decision.

You can schedule liberating session by clicking the button below and choose your convenient available date and time.


Want to schedule a ‘liberating session’?

Click the button below to book one to one liberating session for 40 minutes. It is absolutely FREE.

Still have a question?

Please send a message. We are eager to connect with you and resolve your query.